References and Inspiration

These are some of the references we have been using to conceptualize and implement hardocs.


It is a vue online app to make Bill of Materials(BOMs) using yaml files. The yaml files are translated to json and then to html and pdf dynamically. The idea behind this app is to make BOMs easy to version control using git.

Application. Git Repository




A package and command line interface for hardware documentation.

Overarching idea is to have the least invasive syntax so you can essentially write the prose you want and the software will read a little bit of metadata you sprinkle in to generate the difficult things like bills of materials. The essential idea is you are good at writing instructions, the computer is good at counting and copying.

Git Repository

JSON schema store

References of json schemas including project schemas.


The objective of this particular specification is

to improve the open-ness of know-how for making hardware by improving the discoverability, portability and translatability of knowledge.


Repeatable replication and reliable operation of open hardware

Presentation by Luka Mustafa

This presentation gives clear guidance on the problems to solve as well as an interesting source structure.